The LIFE-Nature Project 2003 NAT / RO / 00027 REV Restoration Forest Habitats from Pietrosul Rodnei Biosphere Reserve - Country: Romania … - Administrative region: Maramures, from the northern Romania - Starting date: 01 January 2004 ending date : 01 June 2007 - Applicant: Forest Research and Management Institute - Address: Sos. Stefanesti no. 128, Sector 2, Bucharest , Romania - Tel./ Fax:+ 4 02 1 240 68 45; e-mail: . - Author : Dr.I. Blada Ph. D. e-mail:; - The project aims at the conservation of Sites of Community Importance (for EU only) or sites of international importance hosting habitats/species listed in the relevant resolutions of the Bern Convention (for candidate countries only). GENERAL INFORMATION ABOUT THE PROJECT SUMMARY OF THE PROJECT Project title: Restoration Forest H abitats from Pietrosul Rodnei Biosphere Reserve Objectives (1) Restoration of Pinus cembra / Pinus mugo / Picea abies natural habitats on 50 ha in Zanoaga hollow of the Pietrosul Rodnei Biosphere Reserve. (2) Conservation of all flora and fauna habitats on 6 415 ha including P. cembra / P. mugo / P. abies ones from the Pietrosul Rodnei Biosphere Reserve Present status The Pietrosul Rodnei Biosphere Reserve (6 415 ha), is a European heritage located on the top and northern slope of the Pietrosul Rodnei Mountains . Then, this Biosphere Reserve is one of the nine units of the National Park of the Rodna Mountains that covers 46 449 ha. Inside Pietrosul Rodnei Biosphere Reserve , forest, herbaceous, bird, carnivore and other natural habitats occur. Since former times, but mainly during the modern ones, the humans, domestic animals combined with natural factors, all these habitats have been seriously degraded but the forest one, the most. Due to the hostile actions, negative results can be assessed, such as: •The timberline receded by 150-300 m in favour of pasturelands and eroded areas; •The P. cembra species population was almost completely destroyed so that, at present, only 1 % (i. e. about 200 over-aged trees) of the initial area is occupied by this species. In such circumstances, the cross-pollination can not take place and consequently, genetic erosion occurs and the natural regeneration is prevented. For this reason, the species will be extinct soon after the present averaged trees disappearance; •The P. cembra / P. mugo / P.abies habitats have been degraded; only 1 %, 20 % and 21 %, respectively of their initial area, remained. •The herbaceous, bird, carnivore habitats have also been degraded. To stop the degradation, urgent actions of restoration and conservation must be performed. Actions: •Field study to assess exact conditions of the P. cembra / P.mugo / P. abies habitat and to make a scientific inventory of the woody, herbaceous, bird and carnivore species; • GIS distribution map of P. cembra / P.mugo / P. abies, herbaceous, bird and carnivore habitats in the Pietrosul Rodnei Biosphere Reserve; •Preparation of the technical management plan for the re-introduction P. cembra species and P. cembra / P.mugo / P. abies habitats on 50 ha in the Zanoaga hollow; •Organizing activities that ensure the success of the project implementation; •Effective re-introduction of P. cembra and restoration P. cembra / P.mugo / P. abies habitats on 50 ha by planting, using well developed seedlings originated in, as follows: (i) P. cembra in the Ineu Mt., a neighbour of the Pietrosul Rodnei Mt.; this planting stock has similar genetic origin and environment requirements as that from project site; (ii) P. mugo and P.abies in the less degraded areas from the Pietrosul Rodnei Mt, i. e. locally; •Preparation and implementationa long-term conservation management plan aiming to restore the degraded habitats. A sustainable public awareness associated with a strong guarding team contributes significantly to habitats restoration. Expected results: On short term: (i) Re-introduced, on genetic and ecological principles, of P. cembra species, and restored P. cembra / P.mugo / P. abies habitats on 50 ha; (ii) Implemented long-term conservation management plan of all flora and fauna habitats on 6 415 ha; (iii) Positive evolution of restoration process; On long term (20 years): The new generation of P. cembra will be able to produce seeds, the cross-pollination will start, genetic erosion will be prevented, germination of seeds will occur, natural regeneration process will be re-established and a new generation comes up. Then, from project area–nucleus, the species will extend little by little to the surrounding areas.
Titre du projet : La restauration des habitats forestiers de la Reserve de Biosphere de Pietrosul Rodnei Objectifs: (1) La restauration des habitats naturels de Pinus cembra / Pinus mugo / Picea abies sur 50 ha du creux Zanoaga, dans la Réserve de Biosphère de Pietrosul Rodnei. (2) Conservation de tous les habitats floristiques et faunistiques sur 6 415 ha, comprenant ceux de P. cembra / P. mugo / P. abies , dans la Réserve de Biosphère de Pietrosul Rodnei. Etat actuel La Reserve de Biosphere de Pietrosul Rodnei (6 415 ha), est un héritage Européen, localise sur le sommet et la pante nordique de la Montagne Pietrosul Rodnei. Cette Réserve de Biosphère est une de neuf unités du Parc National du Massif Rodna, qui couvre 46 449 ha. Dans la Réserve de Biosphère de Pietrosul Rodnei se trouvent divers habitats de foret, plantes herbacées, oiseaux et carnassiers. Depuis les temps les plus recules, mais particulièrement a l'époque moderne, les activités humaines et les animaux domestiques, en interaction avec les facteurs naturels, ont dégradé sévèrement tous ces habitats, surtout celui forestier. Les conséquences négatives de ces actions hostiles sont: •Le recul de la surface forestière de 150-300 m en altitude, en faveur des pâturages et des surfaces érodées; •La destruction presque totale de la population de P. cembra, qui couvre, a présent, seulement 1 % (environ 200 arbres ages) de la surface initiale de cette espèce. Dans telles circonstances, la pollinisation croisée n'est plus possible, et en conséquence, l'érosion génétiques se produit et la régénération naturelle est empêchée. Ce sont les raisons la menace de l'extinction de cette espèce, peu après la disparition des arbres moyens contemporains. •Les habitats de P. cembra / P. mugo / P.abies ont été aussi dégradés; seulement 1 %, 20 % et 21 % de leur aréal initial, respectif, sont maintenues. •Les habitats des plantes herbacées, des oiseaux et des carnassiers ont été également dégradés. Pour stopper cette dégradation, des actions urgentes de reforestation et de conservation sont nécéssaries. •L'étude sur le terrain des habitats de P. cembra / P.mugo / P. abies et un inventaire scientifique des espèces forestières, herbacées, oiseaux et carnassiers. •Elaborer la carte GIS de la distribution de P. cembra / P.mugo / P. abies , et aussi celle des plantes herbacées, des oiseaux et des carnassiers de la Réserve de Biosphère de Pietrosul Rodnei. •Elaborer le plan technique d'aménagement pour la re-introduction du P. cembra et pour les habitats de P. cembra / P.mugo / P. abies, sur 50 ha dans le creux de Zanoaga; •Organiser des activités conçues pour assurer le succès de l'implémentation du projet •Réintroduction efficace du P. cembra et restauration des habitats de P. cembra / P.mugo / P. abies sur 50 ha, par plantation, en utilisant des plantules bien développées, d'origines suivantes: (i) P. cembra sur le mont Ineu, en voisinage de la montagne Pietrosul Rodnei, en utilisant du matériel de plantation avec origine génétiques et exigences écologiques identiques a ceux du site du projet; (ii) P. mugo et P.abies sur les surfaces moins dégradées du Pietrosul Rodnei, c'est a dire, locales. •Préparation et implémentation d'un plan d'aménagement de conservation long durée, dans le but de la restauration des habitats dégradés. La conscientisation publique soutenue, associée a une garde forte, aura une contribution importante a la restauration des habitats A court terme : (i) Réintroduction, sur bases génétiques et écologiques, du P. cembra , et restauration des habitats de P. cembra / P.mugo / P. abies sur 50 ha; (ii) implémentation d'un plan d'aménagement pour la conservation long durée de tous les habitats floristiques et faunistiques, sur 6 415 ha; (iii) évolution positive du procès de restauration. Long durée (20 ans): Fructification des P. cembra de la nouvelle génération, commencement de la pollinisation croisée, prévention de l'érosion génétique, stabilisation de la régénération naturelle par la germination des semences, l'établissement de la nouvelle génération de P. cembra . L'extension progressive de l'espèce, a partir de la surface-noyau du projet, vers les surfaces voisines.
Name : Pietrosul Rodnei Biosphere Reserve Total site surface area: 6 415.ha.. NUTS region code :-- Projectsite surface area: 50 ha for P. cembra / P. mugo / P. abies habitats restoration; 6 415 ha for conservation of the whole Biosphere Reserve; Community protection status : SPA X NATURA 2000 Code : pSCI X NATURA 2000 Code : Other protection status : Romanian Government Ordinance No. 1149 / 1932; United Nations List of Natural Parks and Protected Areas (IUCN /1994, p. 160), i. e. it is an European Heritage; Low no. 5 / 2000 promulgated by the Romanian Government. According to this Low, the Pietrosul Rodnei Biosphere Reserve with its 6 415 ha has been included in the National Park of the Rodna Mountains that cover 46 399 ha; The Low no. 462 / 2001 concerning species and habitats conservation. Scientific description of site : Geography : The Pietrosul Rodnei Biosphere Reserve is placed on the northern slope of the Pietrosul Rodnei Mountain of which highest pick is of 2 303 m height. The aim of the project is (1) to restore P. cembra / P. mugo / P. abies habitats on 50 ha inside Biosphere Reserve, and (2) to conserve all flora and fauna habitats on 6415 ha of the Biosphere Reserve. For this reason the project site was split in two parts. The area for re-introduction and restoration is located in the Zanoaga hollow of the Pietrosul Rodnei Mt., between 1600 and 1990 m with a slope ranging between 25º and 50º. The average geographic coordinates are: 47º 37' N latitude; 24º 40' E longitude and 1795 m elevation. Vegetation carpet: Of 6415 ha of the Biosphere area, 3 903 ha is covered by forests and 2 512 ha by grasslands and rocky areas. The woody species frequently grow mixed. P. mugo with P. cembra prevail on upper part (between 1800-1990 m) on steepe inclined slopes. P. cembra / P. abies mixed population with P. mugo patches prevails on lower part (between 1600-1800 m) where the slope is less inclined and covered by a thicker layer of soil. In the former time, the P. cembra used to be a very large natural population but at present only about 200 over-aged trees scattered can be found. In such circumstances, it lost its ability of cross-pollination and regeneration so that it is closed to extinction. The past occurrence of the P. cembra, P. mugo and P. abies was 15 %, 25 %, and 26 %, respectively while the present occurrence is 1 %, 20 %, and 21 %, respectively. The timberline deteriorated alarmingly, i. e. decreased by 150-300 m and the habitats are highly degraded mainly due to human and animal actions. Working conditions are very difficult because of highly inclined slope, stony or missing soil, dense Vaccinium sp. aaand other bushes and grass thick layer. Importance of the site for the conservation of the species/habitat types targeted at regional, national and EU level (give quantifiable information wherever possible) The forest area includes three priority habitat types: 4070?Bushes with Pinus mugo and Rhododendron hirsutum which occurs on 20 % of the area; 9410 Acidophilous Picea abies forests of the montane to alpine levels which occurs on 21 % of the area; 9420 Alpine Pinus cembra forests which (after its destroying) remained only 1 %. Of the three habitats, one represents priority habitat types targeted at regional, national and EU level and two have been included in the Annex I.
Name : Name of the habitat type according to the Habitats Directive (or the Bern Convention resolution).
% cover of the habitat type over the whole project site.
Priority |
Code |
Name |
% |
Comments (conservation status,etc.) |
X |
4070 |
Bushes with Pinus mugo and Rhododendron hirsutum |
20 |
Highly degraded |
9410 |
Acidophilous Picea abies forests of the montane to alpine levels |
21 |
Highly degraded |
9420 |
Alpine Pinus cembra forests |
1 |
Highly degraded (in danger to be extinct) |
NOTE: In order to simplify the sentence statement, all over this proposal, the name of the above three habitats will be insert as Pinus cembra, Pinus mugo and Picea abies habitat s . |
Threat 1
Name of the threat : D egradation of P. cembra / P. mugo / P. abies natural habitat, genetic erosion and possible extinction of P. cembra population from the Pietrosul Rodnei Biosphere Reserve.
Description: Among the three habitats, the P. cembra was the most destroyed by the local people, shepherds and tourists. Among the woody species occurring in the same habitat, P. cembra as the only tall woody tree on alpine zones was almost completely destroyed, so that, today only about 1 % of the initial area, i. e. about 200 over-aged trees survived. In such circumstances the P. cembra habitat is almost completely degraded As these trees are very scattered, the natural process of mating / crossing each other has been almost completely interrupted. In such circumstances only seed from self-pollination (inbreeding) are producing. This phenomenon generates dangerous genetic erosion that dramatically reduces genetic variability and stability and can lead to extinction. At the same time and in the same conditions degradation of P. abies / P. mugo habitas were serioussly affected. Most of the trees from the alpine and sub-alpine zone were cut by the local people and shepherds to create meadows for grazing or to be used for industrial and domestic reasons or as fire wood by. As result, the upper limit of the timberline receded by 150-300 m in favour of pasturelands and eroded areas. In addition to the shepherds and local people, the tourists used to collect wild flowers, to disturbing or even killing fauna. P. mugo was cut for turpentine extractions while the P. abies mainly for housing. People living in the outskirts of Borsa locality, which is placed just at the foot-of the mountain used to be the main beneficiary of that wood. All previously mentioned factors contributed to degradation of both flora and fauna habitats. Consequently urgent measures based on genetic and ecological principles have to be taken.
Location: Zanoaga hollow from alpine and sub-alpine zone of the Pietrosul Rodnei Biosphere Reserva.
Impact on P cembra / P. mugo / P. abies habitat : Logging trees, livestock grazing and tourists contributed significantly to the degradation of these habitats and the present results are,as follows:
- Out of P. mugo and P. abies initial habitats surface, only 20 % and 21 % respectively, remained. Consequently they suffered a heavy degradation.. At the same time, herbaceous, bird and carnivore habitats were significantly affected. In such conditions, the multiple ecosystem functions have been seriously disturbed. Rhododendron hirsutum as minor species growing in the same habitat with P. mugo disappeared almost completely.
- Only 1 % of P. cembra former area / population occurs at present; the remainder of 99 % has been totally disappeared and it was replced by herbaceous plants and a compact layer of Vaccinium species. Due to the big distance among those scattered few existing trees, out-crossing or inter-pollination has been prevented. In this circumstance, only self-pollination occurs. As well known, seed from self-pollination give rise to seedlings having a very narrow genetic base, i. e. a genetic erosion takes place. P. cembra seedlings from self-pollination have a very low rhythm of growing and a very low rate of survival; this is so called inbreeding depression. Consequently, owing to the inbreeding depression, the natural regeneration is prevented. This phenomenon was already proved by our experimental trials. Since many decades, no natural regeneration so that, as elsewhere reported (Form-14, Table 1), only about 1 % of initial habitat / species area or about 200 very old trees are still alive in Pietrosul Rodnei, and they, together with the whole habitat, are in danger.
Threat 2
Name of the threat: Not enough sustainable conservation activities of flora and fauna habitats from the Pietrosul Rodnei Biosphere Reserve.
Description: Even though the Pietrosul Rodnei Biosphere Reserve has been declared as protected area since the year 1932, the communist regime did not take into account this specific status. Consequently, cutting trees, grazing and other destructive activities were permitted, so that, people from several villages used to bring their animals there, mainly local people from Borsa. Both animals and their shepherds acted, especially on the past, as destructive factors for flora and fauna habitats. Then, the area is very well known not only at the national level but at the international one, too. It attracts a high number of tourists, some of them being hunters or/and fisherman. Some of tourists promote unsuitable activities that disturb both fauna and flora, thus contributing to the environment degradation. Examples of disturbing activities: hunting wild animal and birds, big noise, fishing, throwing rubbish, collecting flowers, cutting trees and shrubs, etc. All these activities had negative impact on both flora and fauna habitats.
Location : Forests, meadows and glacial lakes from inside the Pietrosul Rodnei Biosphere Reserve.
Impact on habitat/species: (a) Degradation by cutting and grazing of P. cembra / P. mugo / P. abies forest habitats; (b) Herbaceous carpet degradation by grazing, collecting flowers; (c) Fauna disturbance and accidentally killing by tourists, shepherds and illegally hunters.
The project site lay out in the Pietrosul Rodnei Mountain . Because of its diverse and valuable flora and fauna, the whole top and northern slope of this mountain has been declared as Pietrosul Rodnei Biosphere Reserve. The ,basic legislation is, as follows: Romanian Government Ordinance No. 1149 / 1932. United Nations List of Natural Parks and Protected Areas (IUCN /1994, p. 160). According to this legislation, a few but not enough measures of conservation were taken, consequently, between 1932 and 1990, mainly under the communist regime, heavy degradation of habitats took place. Recently, the Romanian Parliament promulgated the The Low no. 5 / 2000 was promulgated by the Romanian Parliament. According to it, the wholerange of the Rodna Mountains was declared as the National Park of the Rodna Mountains with a total area of 46 399 ha This national park includes several massifs like Puzdrele, Ineu, Galatiul, Rebra, and Pietrosul Rodnei Mountain i. e. Pietrosul Rodnei Biosphere Reserve with its 6 415 ha. The Forestry Code / 2000 foresee all forest regulations including biodiversity restoration, conservation. Romanian Parliament Low no. 462 / 2001 concerning protected areas, conservation of natural habitats, including wild flora and fauna. It should be stressed that this low has been adopted the EU regulations concerning species / habitats conservation.
A. Preparatory actions and elaboration of management plans
Name of action : Assessment of the woody, herbaceous and rocky ecosystems / habitats from Pietrosul Rodnei Biosphere Reserve based on both GIS high-resolution satellite imagery and field survey.
Objectives of gis and remote sensing activities
• Geographical database (GIS) building of woody and herbaceous and rocky ecosystems / habitats from Pietrosul Rodnei Biosphere Reserve covering 6 415 ha;
• Distribution and structure study based on geo-referenced high-resolution satellite imagery (HRSI).
Operations performed to achieve above objectives:
• Digital map building based on 1:5.000 or 1:10.000 scale paper maps. Digital Terrain Model (DTM) build-up based on vectorised contour lines; Precision geo-referencing of HRSI based on DTM and ground control points collected with GPS devices; Distribution and structure of above mentioned species extraction using computer assisted visual interpretation of the imagery directly in vectorial-polygon form; Field check; Encoding polygons attributes and geographical database building.
For getting access to the satellite imagery (Quick-Bird, 0.7 m spatial resolution pancromatic) it should pay 35 EURO / km 2 (pan+multispectral bundle) and minimum accepted area is of 64 km 2 while our Biosphere area is 6 415 ha, i. e. 64 km 2
The ground survey has to fullfil the following activities:
• Making an exact inventory of the P. cembra remainder trees in the Pietrosul Rodnei Biosphere Reserve. The distribution, health conditions and causes contributing to the genetic erosion process within the species will be evaluated. Effective measures to stop this erosion through re-introduction will be established.
• Assessing the present structure, distribution and level of degradation of the P. cembra / P.mugo / P. abies, habitat. Measures for restoration will be established and taken within the framework of this project.
• Identifying the herbaceous, bird and carnivore habitats and making thoroughly scientific inventories of the species and habitats. The factors contributing to the degradation and restoration will be highlighted.
Descriptor forms will be established and fill in for each target species and habitat and finally a detailed GIS map of the habitats will be compiled.
The study is carried out all over the 6 415 ha area of the Pietrosul Rodnei Biosphere Reserve.
Based on the present study proposals for re-introduction, restoration and conservation will be made.
Reasons why it is necessary
As mentioned at the Threat 1 and 2, forest, herbaceous and fauna habitats from the site in question has been seriously degraded. 3. In order to urgently re-introduce, to restore and to conserve these habitats there is a need of an assessment and inventory studies.
Expected results
• GIS distribution map of the flora and rocky ecosystems / habitats, including
P. cembra / P.mugo / P. abies ones, from Pietrosul Rodnei Biosphere Reserve (6415 ha);
• Scientific inventory of the woody, shrub, herbaceous, bird and carnivore species / habitats from Pietrosul Rodnei Biosphere Reserve (6 415 ha);
• Scientific Draft concerning distribution of all flora and fauna and rocky ecosystems / habitats, including P. cembra / P.mugo / P. abies ones, from Pietrosul Rodnei Biosphere Reserve (6 415 ha);
Estimated cost of the action : A.1 ….. 21 670 EURO
Name of action : Preparation of the technical management plan aiming at P. cembra species re-introduction and P. cembra / P.mugo / P. abies habitat restoration.
In order to ensure the success of the re-introduction and restoration in question, a good project must be developed by the beneficiary staff. This project comprises all actives connected with the objective to be reached, such as: techniques for planting stock production, including seed origin, seed collection and processing, nursery techniques, planting technique, etc and all costs concerned. This technical document will be done as soon as this proposal is approved.
Reasons why it is necessary
Because without such a plan is not possible to re-introduce P. cembra species and to restore the P. cembra / P.mugo / P. abies habitat.
Expected results
A technical management plan will be conceived. It shows, step by step all activities aiming at P. cembra species re-introduction and P. cembra / P.mugo / P. abies habitat restoration in Pietrosul Rodnei Biosphere Reserve, on 50 ha
Estimated cost Action 2: 1 190 EURO
Name of action: Elaboration of long-term management plan to enforce sustainable activities of conservation of the Pietrosul Rodnei Biosphere Reserve
The plan includes actions to be taken during Life project and to establish a working framework for long-term conservation and management of the Pietrosul Rodnei Biosphere Reserve . Furthermore, the plan will integrate the economic and conservation activities in a holistic concept for sustainable development of the area in question with special emphasis to specific actions regarding woody habitats restoration and conservation of all flora and fauna habitats. The action includes a consultation process with local administration, stakeholders and local people, through organisation of three workshops (preparatory, intermediary and final) in order to create a working framework for local people. Local people, local forest organizations, members of Commission of the Nature Monuments, Commission representatives in Romania , Life project team and previous or currently Life project beneficiaries from Romania , will be invited. Expected number of participants is 45.
The Minisstry of Waters and Environmental Protection, as central public institution and the Forest State Administration of the Maramures County (Directia Silvvica Baia Mare) located in the Baia Mare town, as regional state institution are the competent authorities that adopt and implement the Management of Biosphere Reserve. The legal procedure for this adoption is foreseen in the Low no. 462 / 2001 concerning protected areas regime, natural habitats and wild fauna and flora conservation.
Reasons why it is necessary? : The preparation and then implementation of such management plan represent the key of success of the LIFE project. All the activities done in the area, including tourism must be integrated in a working framework in order to ensure sustainable protection and conservation the habitats.
Expected results
A comprehensive long-term conservation management plan (about 30 pages) for all flora and fauna habitats from Pietrosul Rodnei Biosphere Reserve will be prepared. Based on this Draft, the Life project actions will be continuing, so that, long-term conservation of all flora and fauna habitats, including P. cembra / P. mugo /P. abies one will be achieved. This plan is acceptable by all factors involved, such as: Baia Mare Forest Administration, Borsa Forest District and Borsa Town Hall and Romanian Academy through its Commission of Nature Monuments.
Estimated cost of the Action 3 : 1 400 EURO
Name of action : Set up the Advisory Board and Management Project Team
The Advisory Board includes 8 people belonging to the local authorities, representatives of economic institutions, land owners, forest administrators, fisher men and hunters and Forest Research Institute representatives. The main task of the Board is to ensure implementation, acting as a working framework. The board will have two annual meetings. The Management Project Team follows the Advisory Board recommendations but it is responsible for the project implementation. The status of the project actions implementation will be reported to the Advisory Board. The Management Project Team consists of 15 peoples; most of them belong to the ICAS except accountant and the specialist in ornithology.
Reasons why it is necessary
Because, most of the Board members are specialists in nature conservation and consequently, through discussions and meetings they ensure a correct project implementation.
Estimated cost of the action A.4: 750 EURO
C. Non-recurring management
Name of action : Effective re-introduction of P. cembra and restoration P. cembra / P.mugo / P. abies habitat by planting
Introductory data
Re-introduction of P. cembra takes place in the Zanoaga hollow and its surroundings from Pietrosul Rodnei Biosphere Reserve where the species almost disappeared from. At present, the planting area is covered by scattered bushes of P. mugo, Salix caprea, Alnus viridis and Sorbus aucuparia . P. cembra is almost inexistent and P. abies is present mostly in the lower level of the project area. The lower layer of vegetation is represented by Vaccinium myrtilus, V. vitis idaea , and a dense herbaceous layer. Owing to this vegetation carpet, planting operation will be very difficult. The high slope ( between 25º and 50º) and the stony or very stony soil represent other difficult factors to face with.
Previous habitat was composed mainly of the three woody species distributed in a mixed intimate but not very dense population. The project objective tends to restore a habitat with a similar structure using planting stock originated in the same natural mountain range
Origin of seedlings
• P. cembra seedlings originate in the natural population of the Ineu Mountain , a neighbour of the Pietrosul Mountain , i.e. Pietrosul Rodnei Biosphere Reserve ((Map 2).
Before its degradation by the factors, previously mentioned, the P. cembra was distributed naturally all over the Rodnei Mountains . Therefore, the population from Ineu Mt. have the same genetic base and ecological requirements as that from Pietrosul Mt. where project area is placed. These seedlings were already produced in the Sinaia Nursery of the Forest Research and Management Institute of Bucharest. The seedlings have been growing in individual big plastic bags fill in with acidophilous humus and now they are six-five-old. Each seedling + plastic bag weights between 5-6 kg. Such material ensures the planting success.
• Picea abies seedlings have their origin in a natural population from Pietrosul Rodnei Mt. very close to the project area. This material has been producing locally in big plastic bags by the Borsa Forest District and it is three years old now.
• P. mugo seedlings have also their origin in the Pietrosul Rodnei Mt., but they have been producing in big plastic bags in the nursery from Sinaia of the Forest Research and Management Institute of Bucharest. The age of the seedlings is three years in 2002 and they reach six years in 2005 when are planted.
In conclusion, the planting material for the objective in question has been producing according to genetic and ecological principles and it is almost ready for planting and can be visited by those who are concerned.
Technical details
• Project area . Total project area is as much as 50 ha of which 25 ha belong to
P. cembra and 25 ha belong to P. abies ; because the P. mugo bushes will be planted, at random, among the two "tall" species, its surface is overlapping on the previously mentioned, 50 hectares. The area in question is located in the Zanoaga Hollow. The surface is not free of vegetation but it contains past degraded degraded habitats where the remainder trees of the three species occur and they are taken into account. In addition, bushes of Vaccinium sp. form a very thick-dense layer, which create serious problems for planting.
• Planting design . In order to be able to estimate the number of trees per hectare, it is assumed a distance of 10 x 10 m between planted trees. But, in any case a regular planting framework will be avoided. The intention is to create, as much as possible, the past local landscape; for this reason, the natural model from the neighbouring mountains, much less degraded, will be adopted. Otherwise, planting at fix distance is not possible because, as previously stated, the ground is not free of past woody vegetation belonging to the three main species; even though the old tree are degraded, they are present over the area and they remain there.
Number of planted trees per ha is as much as 100 and the total for 50 hectares is
5 000; of these, 2 500 belong to P. cembra and 2 500 to P. abies. In order to restore the natural landscape, 5 000 P. mugo bushes will be planted (over the same 50 hectares), at irregular distance, among the other two tree species; therefore, there will not be allocated a new surface for the last species, i. e. it was not taken into account in the area calculation. This infusion with P. mugo will speed up restoration of the protection carpet from above the ground, which soon contributes, to the soil protection and to habitat restoration.
.Basic operation aiming to re-introduce P. cembra and to restore P. cembra / P mugo / P. abies habitats
Sticks preparation
To be visible from distance, each of the 10 000 seedling beds, over the 50 ha should be marked in advance by a 100 cm long and sharp stick of split conifer wood.
Land marking / picketing
This operation is necessary for an easy identification from the distance of the planting bed. A stick mark a planting bed / place.
Site preparation one season before planting
The operation of plantation will take place during the autumn. But, because of the tall weeds, Vaccinium layer and compact soil, at that time is extremely difficult to prepare the seedling bed. For this reason, the site preparation is made in the spring of each planting year.
Operation consists of digging / hoeing each seedling bed of 80 cm x 80 cm size (by the mountain special hoe) at 20 cm depth. Because of extremely harsh environment conditions (compact and/or lack of soil, dense Vaccinium sp. and herbaceous layer, stony ground, presence of bushes, etc.), planting seedlings is not possible without a previous site preparation like this one.
Seedling procurement and their transportation and cost
Details concerning seedling origin were presented above at Origin of seedlings.
The Forest Research and Management Institute (beneficiary of this project) taking into account genetic and ecological principles produced already all the seedlings in the Sinaia Nursery. The seedlings have been growing in big plastic bags fill in with soil and 40 % of them can be planted immediately.
Planting operation including its associated preparations
The plantation will be made in the autumn of the years 2004, 2005 and 2006, e.g. 30 ha, 20 ha and 10 ha, respectively. Each seedling is planted in a hole of 30 x 30 cm deep.
Reasons why it is necessary
This activity is necessary because only by this way is possible to re-introduce P. cembra and stop its genetic erosion and to restore the P. cembra / P.mugo / P. abies habitat in the Zanoaga hollow from the Pietrosul Rodnei Biosphere Reserve.
Expected results
On immediate term:
?Re-introduction of P. cembra and restoration of P. cembra / P.mugo / P. abies habitat on 50 ha in the Zanoaga hollow from the Pietrosul Rodnei Biosphere Reserve.
On medium term
? Creation of better conditions of life for herbaceous flora and wildlife followed by a normal future development;
On long term
? Creation (after about 20 years, when P. cembra trees get mature) of normal inter-pollination among the new generation of trees and, consequently, the natural regeneration process restart in
this project area, i. e. in Zanoaga hollow from the Pietrosul Rodnei Mountain . Then, from Zanoaga–nucleus, the species extends little by little to the surrounding areas.
?Supplying feed for Ursus arctos and Nucifraga cryocatactes and other birds that feed P. cembra , and Sorbus seeds. In turn, they contribute to the P. cembra seed dissemination / regeneration.
?Preventing avalanche formation.
Estimated cost of the action : 97 210 EURo
Name of action : Construction of a small size refugee chalet and a toilet
There will build up a one room chalet of conifer board equipped with: four superpose beds (with respective mattresses and sheets), a table, four chairs, The chalet size: 5 m long x 4 m wide x 3 m height + the roof, one door and two small windows. The foundation / infrastructure) is build of conifer log, the walls of conifer board and the roof of shingle. At about 25 m distance, a wood toilet is build.
Reasons why it is necessary
The Zanoaga hollow where the project area layout, is placed on sub-alpine zone of the Pietrosul Rodnei Mt. In case of necessity, the closest refugee shelter is at about one hour of walking. Because of many activities to have be done in the area, to built up a not too big chalet is compulsory. It will be used for:
? sheltering personnel and workers during the bad weather while they work for project implementation, such as site preparing, planting, etc.
? sheltering and accommodating the two rangers that will guard the Pietrosul Rodnei Biosphere Reserve during the project implementation, i. e. three years;
? sheltering and accommodating scientists and technicians during their specific activities in the area.
Expected results
One refugee chalet and one toilet cabin, both of wood build up inside Zanoaga hollow, i. e. inside project area.
Estimated cost of the action : C.2 4 480 EURO
Name of action: Information panels construction and their installation
Description Ten information panels will be made of metal plate and painted. Specific text will be written on them, i. e. basic details concerning LIFE project actions with regard to restoration and conservation flora and fauna habitats.
In the Borsa town at the school centres, at the town hall and at the main access paths from the Biosphere Reserve will be placed10 information panels
Reasons why it is necessary: The action will provide necessary information and recommendation to local people and tourists to understand and to support the LIFE project actions with regard to reintroduction of P. cembra and to restore the
P. cembra / P. mugo / P abies habitats. On the same panels will be displayed information about protection and conservation bird, carnivore and herbaceous habitats.
Expected results (quantitative information when possible) :
10 information panels installed in the Borsa and Moisei towns at the school centres, at the town hall and at the main access paths from the Pietrosul-Rodnei Biosphere Reserve.
Estimated cost of the action C.3: 2 020 EURO
D. Recurring management
Name of action : Implementation of Long-term Conservation Management Plan by integrating the best measures for conservation of all flora and fauna habitats from the Pietrosul Rodnei Biosphere Reserve
Description To implement this action in the Pietrosul-Rodnei Biosphere Reserve, the following main measures will be taken:
?A sustainable public awareness will be promoted consisting in: panels with specific inscriptions; publishing articles in local and central newspaper; organizing meeting in the neighbouring localities; distribution leaflets
?Establishing the guard team of the Pietrosul-Rodnei Biosphere Reserve. The team will have three rangers that will defend all habitats within the area.
? A written Ranger Instruction-Guide for the guard team will be prepared and handed it to each member. This guide foresee details about how the ranger has to act in all possible circumstances in order to prevent any damages to the flora and fauna habitats taking care to avoid conflicts with local people or tourists.
?Based on the written Guide, a theoretical instruction will be made to the guard team;
?Reducing access of the tourists and local people to the area with the newly re-introduced
P. cembra species and restored P. cembra / P. mugo / P abies habitat;
?Reducing access of the tourists and local people to the important birds nesting areas and to those areas with a higher frequency of carnivores, mainly Ursus arctos, Canis lupus and Marmota marmota ;
?The access of the armed people inside Biosphere Reserve is totally and permanently prohibited;
?Strong control of the hunters and stray dogs;
?Inside Biosphere Reserve, the project area of 50 hectares will be delineated as special protected area.
?An agreement with Borsa local administration and police service will be established; their help in conflict extinction is essential.
The rangers supported by the project need hardware for that work, as follows 2 sets of impermeable boots, suits and raincoats. Such equipments last for two years.
Reasons why it is necessary: In order to implement the integrated measures concerning protection and conservation of the flora and fauna habitats from the Pietrosul-Rodnei Biosphere Reserve as defined in the project objectives. Without implementing the previously actions, restoration and conservation of the objective in question, is not possible.
Expected results: The long-term conservation management plan is implemented. Owing to the above mentioned measures, flora and fauna habitats / species from the Pietrosul-Rodnei Biosphere Reserve (6415 ha) will have better conditions for conservation and development than in the past.
Estimated cost of the Action D.1: 43 200 EURO
Name of action : Monitoring of evolution process of P. cembra species re-introduction and P. cembra / P. mugo / P. abies habitat restoration to the end of the project
Description : During the vegetation seasons of the years 2005 and 2006, the monitoring and evaluation activities will be done on 5o hectares of the Project area. The action includes a field survey of how is going on the re-introduction and restoration process in P. cembra species and in P. cembra / P. mugo / P. abies habitat, respectively. To assess the result of the re-introduction, three permanent sample-plots will be marked inside project area where each year an inventory is done. The same procedure is applied to the habitat of the three woody species. During the inventory, the following data are recorded: number (%) of the successfully planted and rooted seedlings, total height, and annual growth in height, root collar diameter and state of health. Similar traits are recorded for the other two component species of the habitat. All acquired data during this monitoring activity will be inserted in specific descriptor forms, statistically calculated and interpreted. A two and three way analysis of variance model will be used. Then phenotypic correlations among traits will be calculated and interpreted. Among other results, these data will be included in both progress and final technical reports.
Reasons why it is necessary: Because only by this way the re-introduction and restoration success of the action can be appreciated.
Expected results: A draft showing the evolutionary process of P. cembra species re-introduction and of P. cembra / P. mugo / P. abies habitat restoration on 50 ha will be prepared. The obtained scientific information inserted in this draft represents basic data to be included in the final technical report and to serve as a model for reintroduction in other country areas..
Estimated cost of the Action D.2: 8 820 EURO
E. Public awareness and dissemination of results
Name of action : Set up the website
Description: A web site describing eco-geographic characteristics woody herbaceous, wildlife species and their habitats followed by LIFE project structure will be designated and launched on internet. The Forest Research and Management Institute team will do this work yearly during the project development. The website will regularly update at the project termination.
Reasons why it is necessary : Because the website will contribute to a wide dissemination of the gathered results in the framework of the LIFE project. In addition the author of this proposal expects that the EU Commission will include some of the Romanian species / habitats in its annexes.
Expected results :
The LIFE project website comprising results obtained in the Pietrosul-Rodnei Biosphere Reserve will be available on Internet.
Estimated cost of the Action E.1 : 480 EURO
Name of action : Design, print and disseminate informative materials
Description : There will be designated and printed a brochure containing scientific information about re-introduced P. cembra species and restored P. cembra /
P. mugo / P. abies habitat. It will be demonstrated the way through which this re-introduction and restoration have been achieved. In the same brochure will be inserted the integrated measures and the results with regard to protection and conservation in the same habitats not only woody species but herbaceous, bird and carnivore species, as well. The public contribution will also be highlighted. By using a project contractor, 3 000 brochures in Romanian and 1 000 brochures in English will be printed and disseminated inside and outside the country. From the beginning, 2 000 leaflets will be printed and free of charge distributed in schools from Borsa town in key points for tourists. The rangers have also the task to distribute them. For the three local workshops
there will be used thematic informative materials, focussed on the discussion topics, including printed papers, slide and overheads and Power Point presentations. At the end of the project, both final technical report and layman's report will be designed and printed.
Reasons why it is necessary : The materials will help at gaining acceptance and collaboration from local communities, as a basis for implementation of the information exchange with different bodies, such as national authorities, stakeholders, LIFE project beneficiaries, etc.
Expected results :
4 000 printed brochures / about 20 pages / brochure. 2 000 leaflets / 2 page each one and the layman's report.. Interactive information materials for consultations and workshops (working drafts, presentations, questionnaires)
Estimated cost of the Action E.2 : 7 080 EURO
Name of action : Local workshops and stakeholder consultation meetings
Description: Three local workshops will be held: a preliminary, an intermediary and a final one. There will be invited local authorities, local and regional forest administrations, representatives of local economy, and representatives of the Commission of the Nature Monuments, the LIFE representative, fishermen and hunters, i. e. about 30 participants. According to the project development, there will be held regularly meetings with the stakeholders in order to gain acceptance ant support.
Reasons why it is necessary : The three workshops will be the working framework for project actions planning. The regularly stakeholders meetings provide the necessary involvement of local people in LIFE project development.
Expected results: Three w orkshop, followed by an excursion to the project area for gaining acceptance and participation from responsible bodies from the area.
Estimated cost of the Action 3 : 5 540 EURO
Name of action : Video documentaries and media presentations
Description: The project uses a video camera for filming all-important aspects from the area in question of re-introduction and restoration. The species / habitats area from before- and after re-introduction will be filming. These aspects provide a clear overview to all factors may be concerned, such as: members of Advisory Board, Management Team, local stakeholders, as well as national and international authorities for a better overview of the area and actions developed under LIFE project there. Two documentary films will be producing using the project video camera and necessary video tapes.
Reasons why it is necessary : To increase public knowledge, to support decisions making process and to present them in national and international meetings on nature habitats restoration and conservation.
Expected results : Two documentary films and other informative materials will be produced for project meetings, for other national and international meetings and for decision process. Also, the films will be used for public awareness regarding the LIFE project actions and the acquired results.
Estimated cost of the Action : E.4 4 120 EURO
F. Overall project operation and monitoring
Name of action : Project management and monitoring
Description :: The project management will be undertaken by the personnel of the Forest Research and Management Institute, Bucharest . The structure of the project Management Team consists of: a project manager (3.5 years), scientific co-ordinator (0.7 years), two scientific researchers (0.9 years for both), two GIS specialists (half a year for both), two field technicians (0.7 years for both) and an accountant (0.5 years).
In general, the project manager is responsible for a proper management planning and co-ordination, correct implementation of all project actions and guarantees a successful of the whole project implementation. There were enough budgets allocated for his activities, not only at Action F.1 but also at actions A, C, D and E.
The scientific co-ordinator together with the scientific researchers are involved in the field assessment of the flora and fauna habitats including species inventory. Also, they will survey the present distribution and structure of P. cembra / P. mugo / P. abies habitats. Then, the evolution of the newly restored habitats / species in restored area will be monitored. All these data will be compared with the GIS results in order to get a correct distribution map of the flora habitats and ecosystems of the Pietrosul Rodnei Biosphere Reserve.
The field technicians two will be involved mainly in actions C, but also they participate to the field assessments of the habitats / species
The two GIS specialists are involved in establishing the map of the flora habitats / species distribution in the whole Biosphere Reserve, as foreseen in the Action A.1. Their activity is based on both GIS high-resolution satellite imagery survey. Their data will be compared to the field data.
Reasons why it is necessary : : To be able to run the project actions including data collection / monitoring and their processing followed by preparation of progress and final reports.
Expected results: Three annual progress reports, a final report and an audit independent report will be prepared.
Estimated cost of the Action F.1 : 9 790 EURO
Name of action : Workstation Development
Description: For project running and implementation, the management team needs the following equipment: three PC, a laptop, two printers, a flipchart, a slide and overheads projectors.
Reasons why it is necessary: The three computers are necessary for office everyday activities and project database establishment. The flipchart, the slide and overhead projectors are necessary for disseminating project achievements in local and national meetings and workshops.
Expected result: Three PC, two printers, a laptop, a slide and a overhead projectors will be purchased.
Estimated cost of the action: 5 720 EURO
April 2005
Project title: Restoration Forest habitats from Pietrosul rodnei biosphere reserve
Project identification: LIFE-Nature RO / 000027 REV
It should be stressed from the beginning that all these Project modification requests are attributable, as follows:
Some of them to the changing in Romanian legislation as presented below. This is the case of actions C.1, C.2, C.3.
To the Project author and manager (i. e. to myself) who did not studied carefully the Standard Administrative Provisions. He assumes responsibility for mistakes that belong to him.
(1) project Modification request within the Provisional budget of part A :
Action A. 1: Assessment of the woody, herbaceous and rocky ecosystems / habitats from P ietrosul Rodnei Biosphere Reserve
It is requested to take 2 300 E from personnel item, from Action A.1, and transferred to external assistance of the same action.
Comparison between original and revised budget is clearly presented in Tables 2 a and 2.b
The modification does not affect the objective and expected results of the Project.
The request reasons
Because the bird and herbaceous flora inventories from the Pietrosul Rodnei Biosphere Reserve (6415 hectares) must be done by an ornithologist and a botanist, respectively. But ICAS has not such scientists and for this reason, this work has been contracted. Such contacts must be paid from external assistance . But initially and regrettably, no currency was allocated to this budget category. For this reason it is requested currency movement from personnel to external assistance. Only in this way the ICAS can be in line with the Commission SAP.
(2) project Modification request within the Provisional budget of part C :
Firs request Action C.1 : Effective re-introduction of Pinus cembra and restoration P. cembra / P. mugo / Picea abies by planting
It is requested to transfer 37 697 E from different budget categories of the Action C.1, to the external assistance of the same action. This amount consists of the following budget categories: 29 880 E taken from p ersonnel ( workers), 700 E taken from consumable, 5 040 E taken from o ther costs (seedling transport) + 2 077 E taken from overheads . These new overheads were calculated against 35 620 E which represents summation of previous three figures.
Comparison between original and revised budget is clearly presented in Tables 3 a and 3.b
It should be stressed that the whole cost of this action is financially supported by the Forest State Administration of Baia Mare as Project co-financier.
The modification does not affect the objective and expected results of the Project.
Second request Action C.2 : Construction of a small size refugee chalet and toilet
It is requested to transfer 4 480 E from different budget categories of the Action C.2 to the external assistance of the same action. This amount consists of the following budget categories are: 1 530 E taken from p ersonnel ( workers), 100 E taken from travel , 1 600 E taken from consumable / materials, 1 000 E taken from other costs and 250 E taken from overheads .
It should be stressed that the whole cost of this action is financially supported by the Forest State Administration of Baia Mare as co-financier, and the payment must follow the national legislation.
The modification does not increase expenditures and does not affect the objective and expected results of the Project.
Comparison between original and revised budget is clearly presented in Tables 3 a and 3.b
Third request Action C.3: Information panels construction and their installation
It is requested to transfer 2 020 E from different budget categories of the Action C.3 to the external assistance of the same action. This amount consists of the following budget categories are: 510 E taken from p ersonnel ( workers), 100 E taken from travel , 1000 E taken from consumable / materials, 300 E taken from other costs and 110 E taken from overheads .
It should be stressed that the whole cost of this action is financially supported by the Forest State Administration of Baia Mare as co-financier, and the payment must follow the national legislation.
The modification does not increase expenditures and does not affect the objective and expected results of the Project.
Comparison between original and revised budget is clearly presented in Tables 3 a and 3.b
The request reason for Action C.1
? The main reason is that initially, all currency allocated for the man power cost of the field works (like land picketing, digging seedling beds, and seedling distribution to the seedling beds, transporting borrowed soil in bags, effective planting and seedling transportation from Sinaia Nursery to Borsa) was included with the personnel budget category. This was because in the year 2002 when the LIFE Project was prepared, the Romanian legislation did allow to any state enterprise (including our co-financier, i. e. Forest State Administration of Baia Mare), to hire workers and to make any kind of work with them and to pay them from personnel item. That is why, all currency for paying the above mentioned field works was foresaw to the personnel category. But, in the mean time, the Romanian legislation was replaced. According to this, Baia Mare (that financially support all field works from Action C.1) has no right to hire individual workers. Instead, it is obliged to contract his field works with specialized private companies elected by competition among three candidate companies. In this case, the SC IURES COM SRL located in Bistrita won the competition to make all Project field works until 2007 year. Thus a contract between the Forest State Administration of Baia Mare and the above mentioned company a contract was established. Based on the fulfilled works, the IURES company an invoice is issuing. According to present legislation, this invoice may not be paid from the personnel budget where the whole currency was initially foresaw, but from external assistanc. This is the reason why it is requested to move 37 697 E to external assistance.
The request reason Action C.2 and C.3
Because both these actions were contracted with the same external private company namely SC IURES COM SRL, who's issued invoice may be paid only from external assistance , but not from other categories. This is due to the same changed legislation as above mentioned..
(3) project Modification request within the Provisional budget of part E :
First request Action E.2: Design, print and disseminate informative materials
It is requested to transfer 5 000 E from different budget categories of the Action E.2 to the external assistance of the same action. This amount consists of 3 000 E taken from p ersonnel , and 2 000 E taken from consumable / material.
The modification does not increase expenditures and does not affect the objective and expected results of the Project.
Comparison between original and revised budget is clearly presented in Tables 4 a and 4.b
The request reason
? Because most of the work is made by a printing house, i.e. an external company.
? Initially, this work was foreseen to be made entirely by the ICAS staff and for this reason no currency was foreseen with the external assistance . B ut, later on it was decided to partially solve this action via a printing company. Based on contract, designing and printing are made by such a company followed by a payment based on an issued invoice. Such payment has to be done from external assistance category.
Second request Action E.4 : Video documentaries and media presentations
It is requested to transfer 800 E from different budget categories of the Action E.4 to external assistance of the same action. This amount consists of the following budget categories: 500 E taken from p ersonnel, 100 E taken from travel and 2 00 E taken from consumable / materials.
The modification does not increase expenditures and does not affect the objective and expected results of the Project.
Comparison between original and revised budget is clearly presented in Tables 4 a and 4.b
The request reason
? Because the ICAS personnel is not able to fulfill the whole processing of a film, so that some phases have to be contracted.
? The ICAS has purchased a video camera using currency foresaw at Action 4. This camera is using for producing documentary films with regard to the Project actions. It should be necessary to stress that some members of the Project team are able to use the video camera but nobody of them can processing a film. For this reason it is compulsory to make a contract with a specialized external company to solve the problem. Based on an issued invoice, such company has to be paid from external assistance where no currency was foresaw initially.
Final conclusions
Finally, taking into account the proposed modifications, it should be stressed that:
No cancellations or reductions in actions were requested;
Movement of currency from a budget category to another was made only in the frame of the same action;
No extra budget was required;
-No one requested modification affect the objective and expected results of the Project.
No delayed in execution of any action was required;
The main required modification consists in taken currency from different budget categories and in moving it to the external assistance , where 52 297 E were allocated. This amount was moved, mainly from personal item whose amount was reduced from 107 665 E to 69 935 E.
In order to facilitate an easy checking of the requested modifications, enclosed are presented original and revised version of all forms in question.
The red color from tables indicates modification in the respective figure.
Project author and manager
Dr. Ioan Blada
Sources of direct financing + Applicant and partners' share of costs |
Amount EURO |
% of total project cost |
1. Community contribution requested
106 735 |
50 |
2. Applicant's share of project costs
56 735 |
27 |
3. Partners' share of project costs |
50 000 |
23 |
4. Co-financiers' contribution (other than EC)
213 470 |
100 |
Budget item |
Total costs EURO |
1. Personnel |
107 655 |
2. Travel |
8 300 |
3. External assistance |
4. Durable goods |
19 390 |
5. Land purchase/lease |
6. Consumable material |
58 800 |
7. Other costs |
7 340 |
8. Overheads |
11 985 |
213 470 |
Table 1 b Revised PROJECT FUNDING AND BUDGET BREAKDOWN after modification request
Sources of direct financing + Applicant and partners' share of costs |
Amount EURO |
% of total project cost |
1. Community contribution requested
106 735 |
50 |
2. Applicant's share of project costs
56 735 |
27 |
3. Partners' share of project costs |
50 000 |
23 |
4. Co-financiers' contribution (other than EC)
213 470 |
100 |
Budget item |
Total costs EURO |
1. Personnel |
69 935 |
2. Travel |
8 000 |
3. External assistance |
52 297 |
4. Durable goods |
19 390 |
5. Land purchase/lease |
6. Consumable material |
53 300 |
7. Other costs |
1 000 |
8. Overheads |
9 548 |
213 470 |
Action |
1. Personnel |
2. Travel |
3. External assistance |
4. Durable goods |
5. Land purchase/ lease |
6. Consumable material |
7. Other costs |
8. Overheads |
A.1 |
10 200 |
1 000 |
8 240 |
1 000 |
1 230 |
21 670 |
A.2 |
1 020 |
100 |
70 |
1 190 |
A3 |
1 020 |
200 |
100 |
80 |
1 400 |
A4 |
510 |
200 |
40 |
750 |
Total costs, EURO |
12 750 |
1 400 |
8 240 |
1 200 |
1 420 |
25 010 |
Table 2 b Revised PROVVISIONAL BUDGET OF PART A after modification request
Action |
1. Personnel |
2. Travel |
3. External assistance |
4. Durable goods |
5. Land purchase/ lease |
6. Consumable material |
7. Other costs |
8. Overheads |
A.1 |
7 900 |
1 000 |
2300 |
8 240 |
1 000 |
1 230 |
21 670 |
A.2 |
1 020 |
100 |
70 |
1 190 |
A3 |
1 020 |
200 |
100 |
80 |
1 400 |
A4 |
510 |
200 |
40 |
750 |
Total costs, EURO |
10 450 |
1 400 |
2 300 |
8 240 |
1 200 |
1 420 |
25 010 |
Action |
1. Personnel |
2. Travel |
3. External assistance |
4. Durable goods |
5. Land purchase/ lease |
6. Consumable material |
7. Other costs |
8. Overheads |
C.1 |
34 470 |
1 500 |
50 700 |
5 040 |
5 500 |
97 210 |
C2 |
1 530 |
100 |
1 600 |
1 000 |
250 |
4 480 |
C3 |
510 |
100 |
1 000 |
300 |
110 |
2 020 |
Total costs, EURO |
36 510 |
1 700 |
53 300 |
6 340 |
5 860 |
103 710 |
Tab 3 b Revised PROVISIONAL BUDGET OF PART “C after modification request
Action |
1. Personnel |
2. Travel |
3. External assistance |
4. Durable goods |
5. Land purchase/ lease |
6. Consumable material |
7. Other costs |
8. Overheads |
C.1 |
4 590 |
1 500 |
37 697 |
50 000 |
3 423 |
97 210 |
C2 |
4 480 |
4 480 |
C3 |
2 020 |
2 020 |
Total costs, EURO |
4 590 |
1 500 |
44 197 |
50 000 |
3 423 |
103 710 |
Action |
1. Personnel |
2. Travel |
3. External assistance |
4. Durable goods |
5. Land purchase/ lease |
6. Consumable material |
7. Other costs |
8. Overheads |
E1 |
255 |
200 |
25 |
480 |
E2 |
4 080 |
200 |
2 400 |
400 |
7 080 |
E3 |
1 530 |
3 000 |
700 |
310 |
5 540 |
E4 |
1 020 |
400 |
2 100 |
400 |
200 |
4 120 |
Total costs, EURO |
6 885 |
3 600 |
2 100 |
3 700 |
935 |
17 220 |
after modification request PROVISIONAL BUDGET OF PART "E"
Action |
1. Personnel |
2. Travel |
3. External assistance |
4. Durable goods |
5. Land purchase/ lease |
6. Consumable material |
7. Other costs |
8. Overheads |
E1 |
255 |
200 |
25 |
480 |
E2 |
1 080 |
200 |
5 000 |
400 |
400 |
7 080 |
E3 |
1 530 |
3 000 |
700 |
310 |
5 540 |
E4 |
520 |
300 |
800 |
2 100 |
200 |
200 |
4 120 |
Total costs, EURO |
3 385 |
3 500 |
5 800 |
2 100 |
1500 |
935 |
17 220 |
LIFE-Nature 2003 28
Beneficiary |
Amount of co-funding in EURO |
ICAS-Forest Research and Management Institute of Bucharest |
56 735 |
Amount of co-funding in EURO |
Forest State Administration of Maramures County |
50 000 |
Amount of co-funding in EURO |
Category Ú |
A (Form 16) |
B (Form 17) |
C (Form 18) |
D (Form 19) |
E (Form 20) |
F (Form 21) |
Total costs, EURO |
Budget item Ü |
1. Personnel |
12 750 |
36 510 |
44 370 |
6 885 |
7 140 |
107 655 |
2. Travel |
1 400 |
1 700 |
1 100 |
3 600 |
500 |
8 300 |
3. External assistance |
4. Durable goods |
8 240 |
3 650 |
2 100 |
5 400 |
19 390 |
5. Land purchase / lease |
6. Consumable material |
1 200 |
53 300 |
3 700 |
600 |
58 800 |
7. Other costs
6 340 |
1 000 |
7 340 |
8. Overheads |
1 420 |
5 860 |
2 900 |
935 |
870 |
11 985 |
25 010 |
103 710 |
52 020 |
17 220 |
15 510 |
213 470 |
Tab 6 b Revised FINANCIAL INFORMATION and DETAILED PROVISIONAL BUDGET after modification request
LIFE-Nature 2003 28
Beneficiary |
Amount of co-funding in EURO |
ICAS-Forest Research and Management Institute of Bucharest |
56 735 |
Amount of co-funding in EURO |
Forest State Administration of Maramures County |
50 000 |
Amount of co-funding in EURO |
Category Ú |
A (Form 16) |
B (Form 17) |
C (Form 18) |
D (Form 19) |
E (Form 20) |
F (Form 21) |
Total costs, EURO |
Budget item Ü |
1. Personnel |
10 450 |
4 590 |
44 370 |
3 385 |
7 140 |
69 935 |
2. Travel |
1 400 |
1 500 |
1 100 |
3 500 |
500 |
8 000 |
3. External assistance |
2 300 |
44 197 |
5 800 |
52 297 |
4. Durable goods |
8 240 |
3 650 |
2 100 |
5 400 |
19 390 |
5. Land purchase / lease |
6. Consumable material |
1 200 |
50 000 |
1 500 |
600 |
53 300 |
7. Other costs
1 000 |
1 000 |
8. Overheads |
1 420 |
3 423 |
2 900 |
935 |
870 |
9 548 |
25 010 |
103 710 |
52 020 |
17 220 |
15 510 |
213 470 |
Professional category
Category A-F |
Type of contract |
Hourly rate (a) |
Number of working hours assigned to the project (b) |
Amount (c) c = a b |
Full time equivalent |
New job created |
Project manager |
A, C, D, E, F |
Permanent |
3 .0 E |
7 140 |
21 420 |
3.5 years * |
Scientific co-ordinator |
A, C, D, E, F |
Long term contract |
3 0 E |
1 360 |
4 080 |
0.7 years
Researchers |
A, C, D, E, F |
Long term contract |
3 0 E |
1 785 |
5 355 |
0.9 years |
Technicians |
A.1, C.1, C.2, C.3, D.2 |
Long term contract |
3.0 E |
1 360 |
4 080 |
0.7 years |
GIS specialists |
A.1 |
Long term contract |
3 0 E |
1 020 |
3 060 |
0.5 year |
Accountant |
F.1 |
Long term contract |
3.0 E |
1 020 |
3 060 |
0.5 years |
Rangers |
D.1 |
Permanent |
1 5 E |
24 480 |
36 720 |
4 years
Workers* |
C.1 |
Short term contract |
3 0 E |
9 960 |
29 880* |
5 years |
Total |
48 125 |
107 655 |
Personnel costs recapitulation
Total 1. Qualified personnel 13 685 hours x 3 EURO / h 41 055 = EURO
Total 2. Rangers 24 480 hours x 1.5 EURO / h 36 720 = EURO
Total 3. Workers 9 960 hours x 6 EURO / h 29 880 = EURO
Grand total 48 125 hours 107 655 = EURO
* It was calculated by dividing working hours to 2 040 workable hours per month.
Tab. 7 b Revised PROVISIONAL INFORMATION ON PERSONNEL after modification request
Professional category
Category A-F |
Type of contract |
Hourly rate (a) |
Number of working hours assigned to the project (b) |
Amount (c) c = a b |
Full time equivalent |
New job created |
Project manager |
A, C, D, E, F |
Permanent |
3 .0 E |
4 527 |
13 580 |
2.2 years* |
Scientific co-ordinator |
A, C, D, E, F |
Long term contract |
3 0 E |
1 360 |
4 080 |
0.7 years
Researchers |
A, C, D, E, F |
Long term contract |
3 0 E |
1 785 |
5 355 |
0.9 years |
Technicians |
A.1, C.1, C.2, C.3, D.2 |
Long term contract |
3.0 E |
1 360 |
4 080 |
0.7 years |
GIS specialists |
A.1 |
Long term contract |
3 0 E |
1 020 |
3 060 |
0.5 year |
Accountant |
F.1 |
Long term contract |
3.0 E |
1 020 |
3 060 |
0.5 years |
Total qualified personnel |
11 072 |
33 215 |
Rangers |
D.1 |
Permanent |
1.5 E |
24 480 |
36 720 |
4 years |
Total qualified + rangers |
35 552 |
69 935 |
Personnel costs recapitulation
Total 1. Qualified personnel 11 072 hours x 3 EURO / h 33 215 = EURO
Total 2. Rangers 24 480 hours x 1.5 EURO / h 36 720 = EURO
Grand total 35 552 hours 69 935 = EURO
* It was calculated by dividing working hours to 2 040 workable hours per month.
Table 8 Original and revised budget
Budget Item |
Original total costs (Euro) |
Requested revised total costs (Euro) |
Personnel |
107 655 |
69 935 |
Travel |
8 300 |
8 000 |
External assistance |
52 297 |
Durable goods |
19 300 |
19 390 |
-Infrastructure |
-Equipment |
Land purchase/lease |
-- |
Consumables |
58 800 |
53 300 |
Other costs |
7 340 |
1 000 |
Overheads |
11 985 |
9 548 |
Total |
213 470 |
213 470 |